Blues Guitar Musician Resonator Ukulele

Del Rey

Seattle, Washington USA
Hobemian Records Music from Del Rey, Steve James and Arthur Migliazza POB 4704 Seattle WA 98194
Listing Info
from the Del Rey web site
I started playing guitar when I was four. At the age of thirteen I was introduced to the world of traditional acoustic music, when a friend and I stumbled into a concert at Folk Arts Rare Records in San Diego. About 20 people were sitting on the floor under the record bins listening to a kid named Tom Waits play his original songs.
”Rey is one of the greatest modern players of the metal-bodied resonator guitar.” Acoustic Guitar Magazine
Lou Curtiss, proprietor of Folk Arts and artistic director of the San Diego Folk Festival suggested I quit wasting my time playing 'Stairway to Heaven' and listen to some Memphis Minnie. He put me on stage with Sam Chatmon when I was fourteen, and introduced me to Lydia Mendoza and Howard Armstrong. Lou gave me recordings that still influence everything I do on solo acoustic guitar. I soaked up country blues, stride piano, classic jazz and hillbilly boogie. It was a musical education hanging around the record shop.
Thirty years later, I became fascinated with the ukulele. I try to play the same kind of complicated rhythmic blues and ragtime on four strings as on six. I expect a lot out of the little instrument.
More information available on the Del Rey's web site.
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